The day before...
Tomorrow is the second longest day of the school year. The sad thing is that you cannot escape it. If you changed the "day before Christmas vacation" there would still be a "day before Christmas vacation." So we must muddle through. Carol sings, science tests, and parties will all help make it more bearable. Of course having a chocolate fountain at the party will make the end that much sweeter (no pun intended!).
yeah that last week of elementary turns into a slightly graded daycare center
you are giving a science test on the last day of school? what kind of nazi are you?
[regan]there's no cake, there's no presents, take a science test...merry christmas[/regan]
now you need to get two chocolate fountains and fill one with bbq sauce. have some little smokies--that would rock.
you have ". . ." after almost all of your posts. why?
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